Did you know that from September we are offering full Wraparound Care from 7.30-5.30 daily? Visit the PARENTS tab to find out more!

School Uniform

At Westbury we believe that wearing a school uniform·


  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • Keeps pupils identifiable and safe on school trips or off site
All school uniform can be purchased from the school office. Supermarkets sell good value uniform without the school logo, which is acceptable in the school colours.
We ask for pupils to wear
  • dark trousers or a knee length grey skirt/pinafore.
  • a white polo shirt
  • a red sweatshirt  or red cardigan (school logo optional)
  • red gingham summer dress (in warmer weather)
  • sensible black shoes
  • white/grey/black/neutral socks
On PE or Sports event days pupils must wear
  • black shorts or jogging bottoms
  • white t shirt or polo shirt
  • trainers or sports shoes
We sell red school fleeces with the school logo on from the school office. These are optional but smart to wear over the sweatshirt on colder days. 
Some pupils may have sensory or a medical issues that requires certain clothing that supports their needs. Please speak to the headteacher about this and your request will be considered.