Did you know that from September we are offering full Wraparound Care from 7.30-5.30 daily? Visit the PARENTS tab to find out more!

Chestnut Class (Preschool)

Welcome to Chestnuts!

Pre-school is run by the Lead, Mrs Trigg and her assistant Mrs Betty. Mrs Trigg is in Pre-school every day of the week and Mrs Betty works Monday - Thursday mornings.

We are forest school based during the mornings and then in our room and outdoor area during the afternoons. We use the online journal Tapestry to take observations of the children’s development and sharing them with you and we also use the schools Instagram account for sharing photographs of our learning.


 A typical day looks like this:

8.45 - 9.00

9.00 - 10.30

10.45 - 11.30

12.00 - 12.30

 12.30- 2.30

2.30 - 3.00

Arrive, register and get ready for forest school

Outside in our forest school area. (snack @10.30-10.45)

Maths/phonics activity.

Child Initiated play

11.30 -tidy up, getting ready for lunch. Story and singing


Maths/Phonics activity.

Child initiated play

Snack, storytime, singing and getting ready for home.

 Our Curriculum

In Chestnuts we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our curriculum is organised thematically, using a book or traditional story as our inspiration. We plan activities linked to the book as well as planning to follow children's interests.  A theme usually lasts a term,with a focus book lasting a fortnight which allows children enough time to become familiar with a text (especially if they are part time attenders). 

Our themes for the Summer Term are:

 Summer term 1  - Animals

  • Owl Babies
  • Rosie's Walk
  • Handra's Hen
  • Farmer Duck

 Summer term 2 - Animals/Starting School

  • I'm too absolutely small for school
  • Whiffy wilson, the wolf who wouldn't go to school
  • Come to scholl blue Kangaroo
  • The colour monster goes to school

If you have any of these stories at home, feel free to read them with your child during the weeks that we are focusing on them.

We will also be focusing on a different nursery rhyme each fortnight, to build up the children's repertoire during their time in Chestnuts. 

Summer Term 1

  • Polly put the kettle on
  • Little Miss Muffet
  • If you're happy and you know it
  • Mary, Mary quite contrary
Summer Term 2
  • Ten Green Bottles
  • I hear thunder
  • Round & Round the garden, like a teddy bear
  • Two little Dickie Birds